Mark your calendars — here are the dates for the first K12 Online mini-conference.
On October 31, we’ll have the pre-conference keynote address from Julie Lindsay. Later that week, we’ll have a live interactive panel discussion, Voxer channel discussions, and a Twitter slow chat to delve deeper into the subjects presented by Julie.
Then from November 14-18, we’ll launch into our first strand “Learning Spaces.” This will begin with a keynote from David Jakes. Then we’ll expand on this with a live interactive panel discussion, Voxer channel discussions, and a Twitter slow chat.
We hope that this new format will provide many opportunities for you, our audience, to explore these topics in a more interactive and engaging way.
Dates for our subsequent strand mini-conferences will be forthcoming and will be in 2017.
Please share this post with others in your networks (new hashtag #k12onlineconf)!