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K12 Online Conference » October 29, 2015

Daily Archives: October 29, 2015

2015 Announcements


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k12 online badgeWelcome to day nine of the 2015 K12Online Conference. All presentations are listed and linked on our main conference schedule.

Week Two – Today we have three presentations. Take your time to enjoy them. Share what you learn with your colleagues. You can always come back to view sessions you missed or those you want to see again. Everything is archived. Why not add a comment after watching the session!

Today’s sessions:


Connecting Creativity
Erin Olson and Leslie Pralle Keehn

Lesson Plan: The Worst Preso EVER!
Jon Corippo


Social Media for Continuous Professional Learning
Angela McDurmon

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and “like” us on FacebookSubscribe to our email list if you’re not already receiving email updates from us.

Also remember all video presentations are available in iPad / iPhone / iPod touch compatible format in our iTunesU Portal!

If you tweet about the conference please use the Twitter hashtag #k12online15.

2015 2015-Beyond the Core

Lesson Plan: The Worst Preso EVER!

Published by:

Presenter: Jon Corippo
Location: California

Presentation Title: Lesson Plan: The Worst Preso EVER!

Presentation Description: Do you need to: Embrace the 4Cs in your class? Get your students quickly up to speed on presenting or making slides in most any slide-making tool? Just want to do something that’s really fun with your class? Well, making The Worst Preso Ever is just what you need. This gateway-level lesson design idea will help you to go “uptempo” in your classroom and really embrace all the 4Cs with your students (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and TONs of creativity. This will be one of your “go-to” lesson plans, watch today!

Brief Description for iTunesU (235 characters max with spaces)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:


2015-Beyond the Core

Connecting Creativity

Published by:

Presenter: Erin Olson & Leslie Pralle Keehn
Location: Pocahontas, IA


Presentation Description: The Connecting Creativity series is a learning quest designed with concept and content convergence in mind, supported by meaningful technology integration. Each Connecting Creativity concept is designed so teachers can repurpose the idea to meet the needs of their students and the needs of their curriculum goals. The four monthly quests we will feature include opportunities for students to combine poetry, photography, design, video, and, of course, creativity. The numerous facets of visual arts and literacy converge in the highlighted quests. Additionally, Connecting Creativity is not only about meeting learning goals, it is about helping students see their world and share with their world.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:

2015-Overcoming Obstacles

Social Media for Continuous Professional Learning

Published by:

Presenter: Angela McDurmon
Location: Athens, Georgia

Presentation Description: The presenter attests to the benefits of using social tools for continuous professional learning.

Participants will learn to:

* Find educational conversations (discussion groups) to participate in on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Edmodo.
* Search for issues, content, and sites that are trending in social media platforms.
* Use common educational hashtags.


Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
