(Almost) all our content from 2006 to 2017 is archived and available online under a Creative Commons license. Please read this post from June 2018 for more background and updates about our conference and current status.
K12 Online Conference » October 23, 2010

Daily Archives: October 23, 2010

2010 Announcements

Upcoming #k12online10 Live Events

Published by:

K-12 Online Conference Community:

We hope you’ve had time to watch and listen to some of the FANTASTIC presentations shared last week during week 1 of our 2010 conference! Remember our conference presentations are archived indefinitely, so while we encourage you to engage in live events and online discussions during the three weeks of our actual conference – the learning continues year round with K12Online! We now have over 170 presentations archived since our conference began in 2006. All our sessions for week 1 are linked from our 2010 conference schedule. If you have not already, please join our K-12 Online Conference Ning and follow @k12online on Twitter.

We have a variety of LIVE EVENTS coming up online tomorrow (Sunday, October 23rd,) Thursday, October 28th, Saturday, October 30th, and Wednesday, November 10th. These events will feature discussions with our conference keynote speakers including Colby Ratzlaff, Dolors Reig, Darren Kuropatwa, Allanah King, and David Warlick.

RSVP and get links to join each of these LIVE events on our Ning Events page.

Remember the K-12 Online Conference is now available on iTunesU! A very special thanks to Peggy George, whose hard work has made this possible. All presentations from week 1 are available now for download, both as iOS-compatible videos and mp3 audio-only files, on our iTunesU channel.

Please continue to SHARE the K-12 Online Conference with others in your school community. Our marketing flyer is available. Embed code to add the K-12 Online Conference badge to your own blog or other website is also available.

Thanks to our WONDERFUL 2010 presenters for K-12 Online! We look forward to continuing to learn with you next week and in the months ahead. Thanks for YOUR continued support of the K-12 Online Conference.


Your 2010 K-12 Online Conference Organizer Team
Amanda Marrinan
Jose Rodriguez
Kim Caise
Maria Knee
Peggy George
Susan van Gelder
Wesley Fryer

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2010-Leading the Change

Desarrollo Profesional Docente y TIC

Published by:

Presenter: Deyanira Castilleja de Leon
Location: Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
Link to presenter’s K12Online Ning Profile page

Presentation Title: Desarrollo Profesional Docente y TIC

Presentation Description: Analizamos el qué, el por qué y el cómo del Desarrollo Profesional Docente Asistido por las TIC desde la visión de los docentes de habla hispana y en el marco de la Reforma de la Educación Básica

DotSub Video Presentation Link

Blip m4v direct link (video file) (mov)
Blip mp3 direct link (audio file)

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information: