K12 Online is about teaching and learning on the bleeding edge. But more than that, it’s about making personal connections with like minded educators from across the globe. Past participants have remarked that the best part of K12 Online is the people they meet and, in many cases, end up collaborating with. As a result of the personal connections you make with others while participating in K12 Online you can form your own intimate personal learning network. Teachers need teachers too. Take My Hand is one way you can find the teacher you need to learn what you’re interested in, in your own time, in your own way, on your own terms. Here’s how it works:
As you take in each presentation you will find a link at the bottom of the presentation post on the conference blog with the words Take My Hand. Click it and you will end up on a wiki page devoted to connecting knowledgeable educators with those that want to learn more about the content in the presentation you just took in. If you’re already familiar with the pedagogy, tools or issues raised in the presentation volunteer and ask those that are new to all this to take your hand (powerful learning follows when you teach what you know). If you’re being exposed to these tools, techniques and thoughts for the first time ask someone to take your hand and show you more about it.
You are encouraged to share email addresses, skype names, twitter accounts etc. so you can mentor and be mentored about the things you are most interested in learning and teaching. Take My Hand is the place to connect mentors and mentees. Please, volunteer, and get connected.
Photo source: flickr user bliss_trevise, CC (By-No$)