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2011 2011-Sandbox Play

Everything Apps for the K12 Educator

Presenter: Naomi Harm
Location: Brownsville, MN

Presentation Title: Everything Apps for the K12 Educator

Presentation Description: Everywhere you look, people are talking about mobile learning devices. How can we use them and their apps to assist educators with their day to day instruction and immediate and mobile assessments? How can we harness the power of this exciting new technology to better meet the needs of ALL of your students in your classroom?

Join us for this exciting, fast-paced look into the world of “Everything Apps for the PreK-12 educator!” We will explore and review apps with the following focus areas and a whole lot more!:

*Communication and Assessments
*Educator and Student Productivity
*Digital Stoyrtelling
*eBooks and Digital Textbook Creations
*English and Language Arts
*Math, Science and Social Studies
*Cloud Storage

iPod videomp3 audio

Link to presentation’s supporting documents:

Additional Information:
Naomi Harm, Master of Education in Professional Development, ME-PD, best known as an 21st century educational technology literacy specialist, enthusiast and guru welcomes every opportunity to share her expertise and best practices relating to technology infused teaching and learning environments. Her dynamic career focus includes many exciting and cutting edge jobs which include: an Intel National Senior Trainer, SMART certified trainer, and manages her own “Innovative Educator” 2.0 consulting corporation. Naomi provides customized staff development technology workshops, grant writing expertise, and designs and delivers online graduate course work for universities. She also has a well-known specialty and expertise area of delivering motivational international keynote presentations focusing on emerging technologies, 21st century skills and assessments, 21st century administrative leadership, peer coaching, mobile learning technologies, project based learning, and inspired and transformative educational technology leadership. Naomi is truly passionate about building global relationships with educational technology leaders, while engaging in meaningful and collaborative conversations to meet the needs of today’s diverse learners.


  1. Pingback: K12Online11 Day 9 Presentations: 8 December 2011 | K12 Online Conference

  2. Jose Rodriguez Post author

    Hi Naomi,

    Wow! There are so many apps to explore. Sometimes this can be overwhelming. Thanks for providing a roadmap! There are few ipads available at my school. Was a bit apprehensive in asking to use them without a clear purpose. Using ipad apps in teaching vocabulary is an area I would like to explore. Now, I have a starting point to using them in my classroom.

  3. Martha Lackey

    Thank you so much for sharing your references. We have several ipads in my library and my grade level just won a grant for itouches as well. Apps are a daunting task when you don’t know where to begin and what to look for. I am a 2nd-3rd grade bilingual looping teacher so I’m looking for apps that will improve fluency in reading so any suggestions you may have are appreciated! Thanks again for sharing and will start looking at some of the apps you recommend.

  4. Pingback: K12 Online Everything Apps for the K12 Educator! | Casey Flax

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