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2008 2008 - Prove It!

Prove It “Facilitating Technology Integration: A Synthesis of the Research”

Jonathan D. Becker, J.D., Ph.D. Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, USA

Bio: Jonathan D. Becker, J.D., Ph.D. is an assistant professor of educational leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. He teaches courses on research design, technology leadership and school law. His research agenda lies at the intersection of technology, leadership, policy and equity in education.
Bio Page: https://k12online08presenters.wikispaces.com/Jon+Becker

Presentation Title: Facilitating Technology Integration: A Synthesis of the Research
Description: There is a very small but growing body of empirical research on facilitating technology integration in schools. This presentation brings together that research in the form of a critical synthesis. Dr. Jonathan D. Becker, a professor of educational leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), will discuss the major themes that have emerged from the research and place them within the context of his own research with technology integration specialists in the state of West Virginia. The major goals for this presentation are to make the research accessible and to provide educational technology practitioners relevant research-based data to inform their practice.

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  1. Wesley Fryer


    Perhaps the file downloaded partially and was corrupted in the download– I’d recommend deleting the version you have and downloading again after you refresh your feed. In iTunes podcasts you should be able to control-click or right-click the feed and choose to update it. The video version I downloaded in iTunes plays fine, so I think the file itself and link are ok. Please contact the K12Online08 help desk and they can provide you with additional ideas and assistance to troubleshoot this.


  2. Scott McLeod

    Jon, thanks for an interesting presentation. Did you make that with Captivate?

    I was wondering if you would share your thoughts about WHY tech integration training needs to be different than other kinds of professional development. Although you mentioned that the former should be high in both duration and intensity and the latter should only be high in duration, you didn’t really explain what you think is going on there. Any ideas you’d like to share?

    [FYI, Wes, I had the same trouble as Kimberly. I’ll see if your suggestion works! The audio version downloaded fine.]

  3. Pingback: Catching the tide: Focus on the teachers… | El. Ed. Tech. Trek.

  4. Margaret Hattman

    First of all I enjoyed the presentation very much. I am in my first year as a TIS in WV and I had been looking forward to hearing what you had to say. The statement at the end about a new role being required to truly integrate technology into the school struck me as a key component. If the duration and intensity of the professional development is to be achieved, it is necessary to have someone present in the school to embed the professional development into the structure of the school day. Whether the TIS is DJ or Willy, I think the component that matters most is the constant availability of the presenter of the technology education for the teachers.
    Thanks for the thought provoking presentation.

  5. Pingback: The Energy to Focus on Change | always learning

  6. Pingback: Technology Enhanced Learning » Blog Archive » K12 Online Goes to Bed for another Year

  7. Pingback: The Becker - Grey Conversation | Learning In a Flat World

  8. Pingback: Thing 13. | Struthers Blogging Toboggan

  9. Barry

    Nice to show the difference between two very different teaching styles. Both of which I have witnessed on several occasions. I also prefer the DJ model in order to learn better.

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